Saturday, March 15, 2008

Ok so this month has been quite busy for us, Allyssa's class at school has been working on an American History Wax Museum they all had characters in American History, they had to do a report on their character and a powerpoint and they all made their own scenes and put it up and you walked through like a museum and stopped at each one and they had a speech they would recite it was really neat. They learned alot doing it Allyssa's character was Clara Barton the founder of the American Red Cross. And yes that is my old prom dress she is wearing it was a little big we had to take it in but doesn't she look great.
This is the whole class together
Ok so we also had Mackeys first Pinewood Derby. Bryan and Mackey worked really hard and this is it the 1st place winner thats right my brothers my son won first place on his first try it was so awesome.And yes it is a dragon hand carved by Bryan lets just say it flew, Hahaha.

Mackey didn't even realize until 2 days later that he had won first place over all the other cars because he had lost a race. But his car was the over all fastest and that is how they chose the winner his car ran the track in 2.57 seconds, the next closest car was 2.7.
Issybelle loves music Allyssa let her have her mp3 player one day and she loved it she wouldn't let Allyssa have it back when we finally took it away she cried and cried it was so funny.
Anyway it has been a fun month so far and with Issy's birthday coming up I am sure we will continue to be busy and having alot of fun.

1 comment:

Ben said...

sweet car! and good looking dress Alyssa.