Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ok so no we do not usually take naked pictures but this was just too cute. We are trying to potty train and she was wearing a pullup and they just wouldn't stay in place. Yes this is how she walked around most of the day snow boots and all.
Ok so Mackey had a b-day party on New years eve and I finally got a cake mad for him he wanted a dragon so this is what he got not to shabby if I do say so myself.

I know it is kind of dark but Bryan's mom gave Issy this beautiful dress for Christmas it is so cute I think I might get her picture taken in it just cause it is so cute.

Timmys class did a Thanksgiving Program don't they look fabulous.

Who are these cute girls Issy sure does like haveing cousins that are close to her age. She sure had fun playing with Dani when Ben and Katie were here for Thanksgiving.

Ok so I was a big slacker this year and didn't make Mackey a Birthday cake, actually the true reason is I didn't have a hand mixer to make frosting with. So yes we had donuts instead because all the cakes at the store were to girly.
Yes we got a Wii for Christmas this is a picture of the boys trying it out Christmas day at Grandma's and Grandpa Tomlins. Since then we have added to our collection, I bought me a Wii Fit last week and can I just say to anyone who is wondering if its worth it Yes it is I have excercised every night since getting it and it is a blast. I have never had so much fun exercising.Now hopefully I will lose weight in the process.

This was Issybelles reaction to Santa now what was amazing is she would not go back to Bryan after this because he is the one that put her their. Nope she went straight to Grandpa Tomlin and held on for dear life. It was pretty funny.

Who's cute kids are those.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Merry Christmas and a Happy New year

Ok so I have been a bit of a slacker, what else is new. Anyway I hope you all had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year we did. Santa was very good to us this year. We also got a WII and I have to agree with Anna in saying that the WII sports is pretty fun. I really enjoy the bowling and the boxing. The boxing is great exercise but the next day you sure do pay for it. When I was playing with Michele she thought you actually got to hit each other. When I told her no you don't I think she was a little disappointed, you know Michele she always liked to get in a good punch. Anyway the kids have had a great time with it they each got their own games Allyssa got Boogie super star, it is pretty fun also you get to create a character and then you get to compete in singing and dancing and believe it or not the dancing is quite a workout not as much as on the Dance Dance Revolution but still a pretty good workout. Anyway it is pretty fun and I even got Bryan to Dance with me on it so that was funny. On New years eve we decided to go to a movie so we took the kids to see Bedtime Stories it was really cute and the kids enjoyed it I missed bits and pieces of it because I of course had to entertain Issy but it was still really cute. We then came home and Sandy and Logan and James (sandy's ex) came up and played games oh and Tonja and Sean we had lots of fun playing the WII and we also played Uno Flash which is an awesome version of Uno that Tonja brought up. It ended up being a really nice New years. Well I better sign off for now. I will post pictures as soon as I get them downloaded. Love you all.